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Sleep Blog

Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

5 Myths of Using OA

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to serious health issues, including heart disease...

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Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Depression and OSA

Poor sleep and depression are often linked in a vicious cycle with one affecting the other and vice versa. Research has shown that poor sleep...

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Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, What Now?

Causes of sleep apnea are multi-faceted and multi-factorial. The traditional method of...

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Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Where is snoring coming from?

Snoring is an indication there is resistance in the airway. Let’s think of it as plumbing. You need to make air pass through, but the plumbing is...

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Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Exactly How Much Sleep Do I Need?

How much sleep you need changes as you age. Modern Sleep Solutions advises that healthy adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.

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